Prep for Success

Tutor: Kiri Murray

Duration: 100 hours of tutor support

Skill Level: Beginner
Zero Fees: For 16 years and over
Course Overview
ACT now and start your pathway to success. This ZERO FEES course will allow you to gain the skills and confidence to engage in learning or gain employment.

What will I learn?
This course is tailored to your individual needs. We assess your literacy and numeracy skills, set personal goals at the beginning of the course and work with you to achieve these making life long changes.
How can this course help me?
This course will give you confidence and motivation to enrol in further study or gain employment.

When? Where?
Rolling intakes
Course is held at our Kopu,Thames learning site.
Entry requirements
You must be 16 years of age or older.
What do I need to bring to class ?
Just yourself and your lunch.
On many days lunch is cooked on site, hot refreshments are always available.
All course related materials, books and stationery are provided.
I don’t have transport
We operate a FREE pick up and drop off service in the Thames, Paeroa and Ngatea regions.