Farming Systems Level 3

Tutor: Lizzie Millington

Duration: 29 weeks

Programme Details: Download here

Pre-requiste: Agriculture Level 2 or equivalent experience
Study Loan and Student Allowance approved
Course Overview
This programme is designed to provide the dairy and beef/sheep pastoral farming sector with graduates that have the knowledge and skills (under limited supervision) to assit with the managmenert of all aspects of livestock production.

What will I learn?
Livestock health
Livestock mating
Pasture production
Soil management
Safety in the workplace
Technology used in the farming industry

How can this course help me?
Acquire knowledge and skills required for the pastoral farming sector
NZQA Accredited
Recognised by Employers and other Training Providers

When? Where?
Programme runs for 29 weeks with theory classes being held one day per week and practical on-farm work experience for four days per week – this can be at your place of work, or we will assist you to find a farm sponsor
Programme start date – Rolling intake
Entry requirements
Must have Agriculture level 2 or equivelant work experience
TEC eligibility applies Studylink Loans and Allowances approved or ask about “Fees Free”
I don’t have transport
We have a FREE pick up and drop off service in the Thames, Paeroa and Ngatea area, available only on the days you come to class.